TL:DR — There isn’t one….we realised most just read the TLDRs, then hope ‘numba go up’. Please take the time, when you can, to carefully read the ins and outs of the project and what is being built.
We wanted to do a semi long post clarifying some of the cool stuff we have in the works, and when to expect it across this year.
First….an intro
It goes without saying that 2022 was an interesting and challenging year, least of all for BearX. Beyond broken contracts, team members that almost caused chaos in the project, the market also took a significant tumble. That said, it was an experimental , creative year that also saw us continue to attack our general goals (to create a game economy), alongside solidify the future mission (to create unparalleled value and utility from the NFTs). Without boring you, you can read more on the year review, here
In no strict order, here is a run down of things to expect in 2023. We are sure to many, this goes without saying, (like any project or company in the world), none of the below are promises, but of course it is what we are striving to do and what we aim to achieve.
A final note to make clear to those that do fud a lot…(which we have done many times before). BearX Labs is an independent, community funded project. 1 paid mint, over 1 year ago, of 3700 NFTs @ 0.015ETH (net). None of the games, rewards, NFTs or tokens given out since then has been charged. We have given away over $200,000 in cash and NFTs also. This is important when understanding what has been achieved so far, and the continuous effort to stretch beyond the pale with the resources at hand. We still strive to improve however!
‘The space’
There is a lot of confusion of what projects are, what their responsibility is to the holders of the project, and what NFT holders perspective should be once holding it. Its important, that we have a similar mentality that web2 businesses has, and what the likes of a Gary Vee like echos (we can use him as an example as many would be familiar with his views). So here it is…most NFTs will trend to zero that solely relies on hype and community — that is because sooner or later, community interest is simply not sustainable long term and will fall. Membership clubs, holding for memorabilia / long term value, or interest in utility in the respective project is what matters long term. It’s important to also be clear there is hardly anyone in web3 in relative terms.
But this is why we haven’t got caught up in the hyseria of ‘web3’ and have been laser focused on building products that the wider world will use. Simply, no project in web3 is sustainable in its current form unless adoption significantly improves.
We are on a mission to expand the space, and work with web2 companies and users to create impact, innovation and long term community growth. Short term thesis is irrelevant in terms of value play to investment. Please, if you are not patient, or if you want ‘flash in the pan, things need to happen tomorrow’ hype — sell, and go to another project that farms engagement. Its no shade on those projects, its just not what BearX / Script Network or any of the partners we are long term connected to, does not do this and will not.
Roadmap and plans
Roadmaps are a generally, a generic plan for the future. For BearX Labs specifically, we launched with no roadmap (OGs would remember this). We then decided to add to the roadmap significantly, so much so that we added over 10 core products / plans to the development plan, many of which has been executed or on the road to do so. In a traditional company, roadmaps (at best) takes 3–5 years to execute. Games (at best), takes 1 year to make (and thats even when companies have tens of millions of dollars to make it). Our roadmap is the best laid plans to develop, but sometimes there are delays. Anyone who has been part of a start up, or ran a company themselves, will know all of the above is 100% true. This doesn’t mean we wont hit our targets, but it does mean delays sometimes happen.
Team Improvements
One of the first things we are super excited to do is add to the team, both old and new. We have some of the old gang coming back into the fold, for which we will leave the names out for now til they are officially back around. Beyond this, we are excited to add to the team with quality, including a vox designer and Sandbox award winner @saintcutty joining the team.
We are fortunate the have a collective team with the great guys at WBC, DSK DAO, and the ‘big sister’ company Script Technologies (Script Network). This means that we have a wider team size of 35+ and we are super excited to continue to grow it, and bring game changing members to the team.
Communication and Community
We have a lot to do here. So, here is what we are going to do about it:
- More games and interactions with teams and wider communities
- Going from February forward, regardless of how short or long the updates are, we will publish a monthly recap
- Listen to opinions (whole team) and implement wider strategies and suggestions from users (this is actually going to come alive through a suggestion channel reopening to begin with)
- Tie in AMAs or ask anything channels, so more questions can be widely asked and answered
- Be faster, and more communitative on growing pains and trimphs along the way.
What would be great from the community: The project, (before reasonable utility is released), is largely as strong as the community members. So, if you’re reading this, please do what you can to a) stay positive in the community, b) help others (remember when you were new to the server — what did you want to see / not see?) and c) share and talk about BearX on other socials (especially Twitter). Lets bring back the community flex!
Notes of a Bear Raffles
Notes of a Bear has had 2 releases thus far, with the last, coming at the end of Jan / Early Feb. Simply, once you hold all 3, you are eligible to be part of a reward mechanism and have your bears written into a tv show. More on this, here.
The raffle will be conducted on chain, with our new integration partners, Chainlink, as per the announcement here.
Genesis Bear raffles (for mini series)
In line with our VRF Chainlink announcement, genesis bear raffles will take place and offer users an opportunity to have their bears written into a show. Unless the holder holds a golden bookmark, these are randomised, and will only be accessable to those who has no listed bears, fit the criteriia of what is needed by the snapshot (will be broken down in detail for all to know), alongside being active to claim their spots should they win, within the time window.
Production and distribution of mini series
A few have asked about this. This is realistically going to happen in Q4 2023, albeit it may be sooner (but want to be realistic). We already have a creative writer, storyteller and animator in the team ready, but we want to ensure the content is good, and the plans go in line with the overall progress of the roadmap.
SVC — BearX Club
In late 2022, BearX Club acquired SVC (Solana Vegas Club). This was to help benenfit a community that was essentially rugged with the original team leaving the project. We encourage SVC to continue to be a part of the BearX community. Some things planned specifically for SVC is casino based games and experiences (in the server and in the Sandbox), alongside value drops alongside the wider community. Ultimately, SVC holders gets an opportunity to be part of a wider community and a project which can bring value to their existing SVC NFT they bought at mint last year. Any solana based drops + partnerships will directly be beneficial for SVC, should they happen also.
Tokens — ROOTx / SROOTx
We understand there hasn’t been utility for both tokens for quite some time, largely because of the collapse of the minecraft plan in July when they pulled support (as SROOTx was about to be used for this). To simplify, here is the plans. Besides the Golden Bookmark, which is a large ROOTx burn to ensure one of your bears are part of a mini series which is distributed on an aggregated TV network (Q1), here are some of the other plans. The Golden Bookmark burn is scheduled for Q1.
ROOTx — For BearVX mint(s) — general aim is (late Q1) for this process.
SROOTx — For Sandbox metaverse products, conversion from SROOTx to Script Network NFTs and more. (Q2/Q3 2023). SROOTx also acts as a burn for running a node on Script Network. All of these will be burn events.
We are absolutely aware that at this stage, there is a large amount of tokens in many holders wallets. As a reminder, its intentional, and the burn events and the respective size of them, will be relative to this. In short, hold your bags and wait for the announcement.
Sandbox Experience Launch
For Sandbox, our specific plans on the launch of Sandbox experience in line with their Alpha seasons as soon as we have more information to share. The good part is once ready, it gives an incredible opportunity to genuinely join thousands of players of BearX and other projects, something that individual games will not have.
Binance x BearX Labs
In short, Binance are re-rolling out their launchpad in Q1. We are finalising dates and plans as to how it will happen. We can provide any further info as so many variables are in place, but all is still good, we talk almost daily with the team.
Script Network Airdrops
As part of the ecosystem partnership, Script Network will be conducting a guaranteed airdrop of the following:
- Own 5+ Genesis Bears (in the same wallet) — this is the largest % airdrop criteria of the below
- Own a Genesis Bear (claimed XP through Script Network Crew3 Questboard here)
- Own a MiniBearX (claimed XP through Script Network Crew3 Questboard here)
The conversion of how much this would specifically be in dollar value on an exchange, is TBC. What we can say, is we are confident that the value will be worth it.
Collaborative Art drops (Gen Art)
We intend to hook up and expand beyond PFPs, with some cool art that you’d love to hang on your families wall. This will be limited, and through a partnership of an artist. There will be no utility attached, but a fun added mini collection for those interested. This is just in the thought process currently and may or may not happen.
Inter-competitions / partnerships
We were due to kick this off last month, but unfortunately some key team members across the servers had private issues which caused a delay, alongside the holidays getting somewhat in the way too. Pleased to kick this off this month finally — so do look out for info on this in announcements.
Web2 / Strategic Partnerships
This is something we will continue to strive for, with our focus to continue to find the right partners for us long term in regards to our vision in the mid-long term. The exciting thing is in the bear market, it has caused a lot of companies to ‘take stock’ and look long term, something we feel we have done from the beginning.
Long term vision (the most important part)
Important we end this blog post the same way we started, with clarification on the long term plan. We look 1,3,5 years in the future. That said, we know we need to do better on the here and now and day to day as we grow. The long term vision however is to have BearX Labs as a community led project, with community led control. OGs will know that this was always the plan, even back when the minecraft metaverse was being built, but actually, we feel its what every project in ‘web3’ should strive for. The whole point of the new internet we live in, is decentralisation, and shifting power from 1 or 2 people who control things, to the wider community (or at the very least the most engaged ones), to dictate the future.
So as we proceed down this course, our goal is to drive closer and closer to a decentralised project. During that process we will continue to drive innovation and create a game changing narrative to shift the NFT culture. We can even say that this year alone, 3–4 things launching has never been done in the space — and we will strive to continue that creativity and plan, alongside improving the community approach and growth to the project. We cannot control hype and narrative, but we will do our best to develop the things we set out to the best of our ability.
Lastly….general flow of launch (as per our plan). This is 90% likely to change completely.
NOBV3 > Inter-comps > Notes VRF Snapshot > Script Network token airdrop > Token burn events > Binance / Large Partner / Sandbox > Collective drops > Production of mini series.
About BearX Labs
BearX Labs is a community-first NFT brand, focused on delivering innovation within the NFT space, alongside resources and experience from web2 into a web3, sustainable, scalable ecosystem. Products within the ecosystem include a limited 3700 Genesis Bear collection, a two-token economy, and a partnership that gives every holder the ability to own and run a node.