We are excited to now roll out LP staking for ROOTx rewards.
BearX Labs is incentivising liquidity for the ROOTx token by giving rewards for users that stake ROOTx-ETH UniV2 LP tokens.
The initial liquidity program will continue for up to 500,000 blocks (approximately up to 77 days) with the rate of rewards set at 10 ROOTx per block for LP stakers. We will assess the performance and requirement of a further liquidity program in and around this range.
Here is how to stake:
1. Launch Uniswap Router â and add Liquidity to UniswapV2
Firstly, head to Uniswap and then proceed to the liquidity page for UniswapV2.
Please ensure you are on UniswapV2. Adding liquidity to V3 or any other LP will not be included in rewards.
note: If you visited from the link above, you wonât need to go follow the directions in this GIF.
Next, click on âAdd V2 Liquidityâ click add token and search for ROOTx. If you have not yet imported ROOTx into Uniswap, you can do so by clicking âImportâ after you search for it.
Now, type in ROOTx, and add the amount of ROOTx and WETH that you would like to add to liquidity. You will need to approve Uniswap to spend your ROOTx tokens (one time only), and then you can add liquidity to the pool from here on out.
Once youâve completed this, you will receive ROOTx-WETH UNI V2 LP in your wallet. These can be used to earn ROOTx rewards through staking through our protocol.
2. Head to LP Staking page
Head to https://www.bearxlabs.com/LPtokenstaking
You should at this stage have a screen like this.
From here, you can view the stakeable tokens you own. You must approval all (once only), before heading to type in how many tokens youâd like to stake, and hit âstakeâ.
You can then view your total staked amount, your rewards (updated per block w/ minor time delay), alongside claiming, and unstaking. There is no restriction on when you can claim, or when you can unstake.
The amount of tokens distributed per block is 10 ROOTx. This is shared proportionately amongst stakers. Please note, as mentioned before, this is a temporary epoch and will run for a maximum of 500,000 blocks before being analysed again.
BearX including but not limited to the overall project, the token, website, smart contracts and any apps (âBEARX LABSâ) as presented in this conceptual paper is not an licensed, unlicensed or exempted financial or payment service of any kind and in any jurisdiction. Any terminology used in any documentation, on the Website or within the app is intended only as a basic reference, without any effective or legal meaning of the same terms in a regulated and/or financial environment. BearX is a fully and completely decentralized and community driven project and does not have owners, shareholders, promoters, marketers, managers, directors or other figures or entities exerting any form of governance; the BearX smart contracts are open-source, security audited, permanent and non-modifiable in any way. The BearX token is strictly a utility token in any jurisdiction and is not and can not be considered as a security or otherwise a regulated token of any kind, is not in any way e-money and/or a fiat or asset backed stablecoin, whether global or limited in scope. The documentation in itself is not a contract or a contractual agreement of any kind, is not an invitation, solicitation or offer to invest in Bear X or acquire or use its Bear X tokens in any way and with any expectation of profit in any form. Any user of BearX declares to have received appropriate technical, administrative, regulatory and legal advice before and after accessing and/or reading this documentation, the website and using any portion or element of BearX (including any BearX token therein) and accepts that there is an inherent high risk in accessing, acquiring or using any kind of blockchain and/or crypto system, token, platform, software, interface including BearX and further acknowledges with full disclaimer for any community member directly or indirectly involved with BearX, that there can be any kind of damage suffered, including total loss.
Website: https://bearxlabs.com/
NFT Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xe22e1e620dffb03065cd77db0162249c0c91bf01
Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/bearxlabs
Token Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd718ad25285d65ef4d79262a6cd3aea6a8e01023
Staking Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x5e1ee3988de358155f723d72875f45668edc97de
Token Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x098e65379ab97251b4b9261fd879acc08186a16b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bearX_NFT
Medium: https://bearxnft.medium.com